April's book discussion was on P.C. and Kristin Cast's House of Night series. If you haven't read it, House of Night begins with the novel, Marked. Main character Zoey Redbird is a fledgling vampyre with the special ability to control all five elements, and has a Native American heritage that helps her through the trials of life at The House of Night, a school for vampyres. You'll enjoy all of Zoey's quirky friends, and you'll stress with her about her boy problems. It's a great read!
If you've read it, post a comment below telling us what you like about these books. Be as specific as you can without giving away the plot!
I loved this book so much!!! I think i even liked it better than twilight!!! It was non-stop excitement and thrill and i couldn't put it down!!!! I love all of Zoeys friends, especially stevie rae cuz she is just so funny and i love the twins too. All the groups antica and plots are very exciting and i cant wait until the 7th book in the series come out!! U should try these books if u liked twilight. The author makes u as confused as zoey is about her stressful life and i think that that equals good writing. If u liked twilight u will luuuuvvvvvv this book too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i absolutley loved these books. zoey is the boom! and lets not forget about aphroditie! snappy bitch is they way i like'm! they are a must read for adults and teens alike. i promise you will breese through them in no time. i was finished with all 5 in a week! hey the other girl said she was waiting on the seventh? she means sixth right? the sixth isnt out yet... ne ways MUST READ SERIES!
Yeah i meant the sixth sorry i get all these different series mixed up but yeah i forgot about aphrodite, i love her too!!
I thought it might be helpful to list the series:
1. Marked
2. Betrayed
3. Chosen
4. Untamed
5. Hunted
And, according to our sources, we hear that book #6 is due out this fall, October 2009, and will be called, TEMPTED!
Ooooo...I wonder what that could mean?
I just finished the new book, Hunted. Whoa! It had a lot of action and suspense in it. Glad to hear that Zoey is not without a boyfriend!
I'm re-reading Untamed, because as I read Hunted, I kept forgetting what led up to the new book. Hopefully, Untamed will clear up those questions. I guess I should have re-read Untamed, then started Hunted, but I couldn't help it--I wanted to read the new book so much!
About the series: I like the premise that vampyres are marked as teens, and then "change" into adult vampyres. I love the setting of the school, and I really think it's cool that they teach and learn to use their special powers to control elements. Also, how cool is it that there's a whole Native American flavor to the series? I love that Zoey has a Cherokee heritage, and it's cool that the authors weave these Native American stories into the books.
Ya, zoey anbd aphroditie rock!!! Stevi Rac is so funny with her twang! The twins are an awsome duo!!! (some of my friends call me and my bff 'the Twins' cuz we'r insepreable and look similar to them)And Damien is so sweat! the book is so suspencefull! If you like Twilight you HAVE to read this!!!
I really liked this book cuz it was sorta like a twilight mixed with harry potter and i am a die hard harry potter fan so that appeals to me alot!!!! Like deb said i really luved that setting of the school and how they have classes and dorms like regular teens. And also i think it is really funny that in all these vamp books the vamps always claim that they r not like the stories describe them. they are nice and regular with a wierd diet and all that crap. I want someone to write a book where the vamps are like the stereo type. I think that would be a fun book to read.
I absolutly LOVE these series of books and cant wait for the sixth book they are defo on the same level as twilight (which is the highest level!)Both series are a must read! :D
i love this book and its the first i have been able to read since twilight.
i think this book relates more to older teenagers more than twilight did.
For me, I have always been a freak about vampires (Since I was 7, to be exact... Ask my mum!) but lately with the whole buzz from Twilight, it seems everyone and their mother has hopped on the vampire (Or vampyre, according to the House Of Night.) bandwagon. If you're like me, then you were as irritated with all the new vampire movies/books/tv shows which all seemed terribly cliche. I recall seeing this book at the local book store and just passed it off as another one of "them." But my aunt told me I just had to read it. I borrowed the book from her and I went into it thinking it would suck, but by the second chapter, I was totally engrossed and I absolutely could not get enough. So, naturally, I bought my own hardcover copy! It's vampire, but it's different from the others in many ways. And in my opinion, everyone can relate to at least one, if not all, of the characters in some way or another. I am currently reading the 6th book, 'Tempted,' and I am absolutely in love. I cannot wait for the 7th book to come out. It is rumored to be called 'Burned' and will come out in the spring of 2010. I definitely recommend these books, I promise you won't be disappointed! :)
Destinie A.
Oh My Gee i love!!!! this book seiers it's so addictive i cannot stop reading them. I really hope and wish this becomes a movie I love this book seires soooo much My fave character is Loren Blake man he seems fine but My fave one better then him would have to be the best couple ever Damien and Jack their so cute but i wish and hope this becomes a movie
Lots of fan love Destinie A.
Ok book lovers, anyone who loves a good twisting water slide ride will totally love the House of Night series. Not only with each book does the writing and technique get better, but every book is so unique and entertaining it's like a real world is coming to life in between your hands. I can say I was totally hooked after the first book Marked, by the 5th book Hunted, I was twitching in my seat to read every word. The sixth book has been out and I just finished it, I am way satisfied but what I love is these books always leave you wanting more. the 7th book is something I think all H.O.N.(coming out April, 2010) fans are waiting totally impatiently for, hahaha. P.S. all the characters are so relatable it's almost like while reading you are growing with them and going through everything with them, let me tell you they go through some serious DRAMA. But Zoey is a good chick, and every book she grows and has to conquer the extreme battles of life, good thing all her friends are pretty rad and can hold their own along the way..
All I can say is, READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!!
Would you mind if I posted your comment as a reader review on our book list site, Bella Recommends? http://sites.google.com/site/bellarecommends/
Please respond via my e-mail, dnoggle@acpl.info .
Deb, the webmaster of Bella's Book Club.
i love all the house of night books because there for older teens.i love the chacters there soo funny and the plots are brillant.ive read all six and cant wait for the 7TH BOOK BURNED out this year i wounldnt say that if you loved twilight then youll love this because they are very differnt but the books are amazing, but for no 1 under 12 i would say !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, You guys should check out www.ChubbyChicoCharms.com i found really cool twilight charms and some House of night stuff too. I think its kind of fun!
OMgs I loved this book sooooooooooo much . It was the best book i had ever read until I read Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book One The Lightning Thief. But that's another matter that's also the reason I typed OMgs (Oh My gods) But House of night was the most amazing vampire book of all time if you've read house of night then you can say this with me "screw stepanie meyer and twilight" READ HOUSE OF NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
These books were soooooooooooooooo amazing and exiting i read them all in 2 days :) :|] (^^^) <:)
omg the books are amazing!! i read all of them in under a week (under a week cause i had to go to school) you have to read them!!
Wow I read all 6 books in one day didn't sleep till the next day I just found myself thinking I can relate to these characters in so many ways I mean all of them..and its so weird that the same nickname I call my daughter comes out in a book...(zoeybird) her name is Zoe the e is silent....the books are a must have wish I could find a book club here in san antonio can't wait for burned....
OMG, this books are totally awesome. Better than Twilight. Can't wait for the 8th one. Heard its called 'Awakened' I sure hope its as good as the rest. U guyz have to read this series. totally engulfing. READDDDDDDD!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRREAD!!!!!
I really love the plot and how it's not just a fight between vampires and werewolves (which, I know, are never even mentioned). It's something more and has a lot more substance to it and I feel that these books have a little bit of something for every reader. I feel the magic, definitely. I got really sad when I finished reading Burned, but I know that Awakened is on the way, with a whole lot more of adventures. Kalona and Neferet have a lot of karma coming to them. I think also that Rephaim and Stevie Rae shouldn't let anything get in their way of what they want. I <3 them all. Merry meet and Blessed be.
I have read every book twice!! They rock! I loved them! Zoey is very realtable to all teen girls and her friends are so amazing! They almost always have her back and they have alway forgiven her for all of her mistakes, no matter how big. And everytime she was in danger, they had her back and helpped in anyway possible The books rock!!
Click on my screenname! It should be a link to a Facebook page I made. Join it if you think House of Night is better than Twilight!
I used to really like Twilight. I actually thought it was a great book but... when you think about it there are sooo many plot-holes! And then I found House of Night and knew I found the perfect book.
I am hoping that if (hopefully when) it is turned into a movie (the rights for a movie have already been bought) that it won't have a stupid, "this is the greatest book ever and OHEMGEE! Jacob and Edward are sooo hot", following like with Twilight. If that were to happen I might not even like the books anymore.
While reading over the comments (this post has been going for over a year) I saw everyone say "such-and-such a book will be coming out soon and I can't wait" etc. but by the time I read it they were all already out.
So I will just leave with this.
I can't wait for Awakened!!!
By the time some people read this, it may already be out! : )
Marked girl 13
twilight ruins peoples veiws on vampire books most people wouldnt look at this book twice just cuz it so this great book no one reads cuz they think its going to b stupid lik twilight but this book is nothing lik it there r no sparkling vampires so no if you like twilight this book mite b 2 far out of your range and you shouldnt read it
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