The Struggle...

What did you think about the crow? Did you guess about the secret?
What is with Bonnie and her psychic trances? Would you want to have that sort of "gift"?
Who do you think the TRUE villain in this story is now?
What is the significance of the owl in this book?
Who is a better boyfriend for Elena--Stefan or Matt?
Do you have any insights, predictions or questions you'd like answered? Comment below!!! Let's get our Bella Book Club ON!
Let's TALK!
I always suspected something from the crow but I never thought that! I think Bonnie's trances are soooo cool! I would love to have those kinds of powers. Also I think she should use them. I think she is being stupid and unuseful not to use them to their advantage. I think the true villian in this story is another vampire, not Damon. He may be bad but I think deep down he is not all bad. I noticed the owl a couple of times but I guess I never put two and two together. I never noticed how the owl was there so much. I think the owl is the other power. I think Stefan is a better boyfriend for Elena because obviously they were meant to be together but I also think she could have been nicer to Matt. I mean even though she wasn't trying to be she was a total jerk to him throughout the books. He must have been truly in love with her to put up with it all. Also I hated the ending. I mean I hate what Stefan thinks in the end. I mean she had been drinking their blood. Duh!!! He should have known. I mean thats just what I'm guessing. Can't wait to read more!
I agree, Bonnie's powers are a gift, and as a gift, she should cherish them--even embrace them. But, it must also be a curse. Imagine losing pieces of time, where you don't know what happened while you were suddenly in a trance! That must be frustrating, and perhaps, a little embarrassing!
I found it hard to trust Damon, but I love the character. He's mischievious, and I can't believe that he's all bad!
I think that maybe Matt would be a better boyfriend for Elena. He's captain of the football team, and he's totally committed to her! He always does the right thing, and he is soooooo sad about Elena! It's sweet.
Also, just think how easy life would be for Elena if she would just date Matt!
But if she just went out with Matt, what would be the point of the book? It wouldn't make any sense and it would mess it all up! I agree that Matt is sweet, but I think Stefan is a better boyfriend. I didn't expect the owl to be - hmm. Maybe I shouldn't say, for those who haven't read the book. I don't think Damon is evil. At first, he really made me mad because he was trying to take Elena away from Stefan, but as I kept reading, I found him HILARIOUS! There is something about his character that makes me laugh. I don't think he is all bad. I think Bonnie's powers are very useful. She usually saves the day. I am not exactly sure I would want those powers, I think I'd rather be a vampire. =) L.J. Smith is writing again! 2 new Vampire Diaries books will be coming out soon! I am so excited!
I also forgot something in my comment above. I think Stefan has every right to be mad at Damon, but I think it's mostly Elena's fault that he's all over her. She almost kissed him and wasn't gonna tell Stefan about it! I felt that Elena got more stupid as the book went along. She wanted to be with Damon, even after all the horrible stuff he had done to Stefan and her friends and teachers. I just didn't get it.
I think Elena is totally in love and devoted to Stephan but i also think she is easily tempted by damon, and why not he is the bad boy, but you get the sense that he has a heart of gold somewhere really realllly deep down. lol! I actually just read the new vampire diaries book, the return:nightfall, it is like the new Damon trilogy, it's a lot darker than the first 4, but I read that L.J. smith is making it so dark and edgy because the next two are going to be the comfort part of the hurt/comfort story. I seriously can't wait for 6 to come out. Has anyone else read number 5? What did you guy's think?
I think this book was great, loved the suspense and the thrill, I love all of smiths books, she knows what to write to get a good number of people interested. i like her stories way more than House of Night or Vampire Academy Series, she really is just a great author with a great imagination.
I totally agree Kari, L.J. smith just sucks you in and makes the impossible soooo beliveable! I havent been able to read everything by her bcuz some of the older books are hard to find but i'm soo happy they r being reprinted so us younger fans can enjoy them too.
i wish i was bonnie or merideth. and who ever said that elena should be with matt is crazy. the hole piont of the book is her falling in love with stephan
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